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Change is easy...said no one ever.

But does it have to be so hard?

How can we make change easier?

By providing change training that works in harmony with each level of your organisation and focuses on practical application of skills.

Creating a change agile organisation ready for change now, and in the future.

At Glass Ripple Consulting, this is exactly what we do...

At Glass Ripple Consulting, we focus on the concept of change as an organisational muscle.

Something that you can work on, building and strengthening the organisation's change agility and capability.

Making that muscle stronger and ready to move quickly when the market changes.

Accelerating the business success rates and keeping that competitive advantage.

Increasing your success rate through change.

How do we do this?

By utilising your biggest asset - your people!

We teach change training courses that are specifically designed for each level of your organisation and support the roles that each level have during change.

These courses ensure that all levels of your organisation are able to proactively spot changes on the horizon, recognise the opportunities that change brings, embrace it, and actively support their teams throughout.

We use our unique Analyse. Create. Embed. Change Management Framework™ to train your leaders, your managers, and your teams, and equip them with the skills and tools they need to effectively lead, manage, and support change.

Your organisation is one of a kind, because it's made up of individuals, who are all different and amazing in their own let's treat them this way, use those strengths they have and really understand how to help them transition through organisational change.

All of our change management training leans on our mantra of 'People Before Process'.

By doing this, we provide training that helps you to quickly embed new ways of working and new behaviours into the organisation.

All of our courses are bespoke for each level of the organisation, BUT, they all teach how to support each level in how to become resilient and proactive in change, helping the organisation to quickly realise the rewards and benefits, reduce resistance, and stay ahead of competitors.

Our unique Analyse. Create. Embed. Change Management Framework™

This is how we are different...

Unlike other change management training...

We don't only focus on the theory - because what's the point of taking a week long course, learning by rote over 40 models and then having to recall it in an exam...only to realise a week later that you don't know how to APPLY that theory in your organisation?

We don't only focus on our own methodology and give you a step-by-step guide on how to do it OUR way...because in change management one-size DOES NOT fit all! And why should it? We are dealing with individuals...who are all different.

We don't provide only one course and expect it to fit all levels of the organisation...because every level of the organisation has different roles when it comes to leading through change. So our training is designed to address what is needed at different levels and grades...with all of the training working in harmony so you know exactly what is expected at each level, creating less overlap, and more efficiency.

We are revolutionising the way we teach change management.

We teach it to all levels of your organisation, not just a select few designated change managers.

No matter who we are teaching within your organisation, we first provide them with knowledge of the change process, to give them a foundational understanding of change and how it affects individuals and organisations.

For each level, we then build the training around what that group needs to know. What their role is at that level, what skills they need, how to practically apply newly learnt skills, and how to support others at different levels, all driving towards the same organisational vision and objectives.

Let's say it how it is - your recruited each member of the organisation because they bring with them their own strengths, and each person is brilliant in their own unique way - so let's tap into those strengths and show them how to utilise these strengths during change!

Our training courses will set you up to succeed, at all levels of the organisation, and through all different change initiatives.

Change programs often fail...why?

        39% of change programs failing is down to
employee resistance, and if we break that down further into why they are resistance to change, it’s partly because they don’t understand it.

So let's help them understand it. And let's involve them in it, at every stage. Training and awareness at all levels of the business, and an opportunity to get involved and shape the decisions being made.

By structuring training this way, we reduce resistance and speed up the adoption of change initiatives.

Now what were we saying about making change easier?!

‘Over the years I have worked with Zoe on and off. I can hand on heart tell you she is just fantastic. The reason she is fantastic is that she understands, she has natural empathy, utterly professional in every area of her life. She is a brilliant trainer with years of experience, why would you go anywhere else. Just fabulous.’

Claire Moody

Founder of Target Training and Owner of Mindshift. Professional coach, supervisor and trainer.

Here are a few of the organisational benefits of training your organisation in dealing with change...

Increased Employee Engagement

Reduced Resistance

Enhanced Leadership Skills

Improved Organisational Effectiveness

Long-term sustainability and culture alignment

Increased Innovation

‘Zoe ran a great course on Change Management. The 3 days were interactive and packed full of practical examples. Zoe is one of those rare trainers that brings depth of theoretical and practical knowledge that is delivered in a engaging and fun style. Would recommend 😊’

Michael Nattrass

Business Cases | Major Projects | Delivery Models | UCL PhD

"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance"

- Alan Watts

Hi, I'm Zoe...and this is not my first change rodeo!

After spending more than 15 years managing change, I've learnt a few things about what works and what doesn't when it comes to creating effective change journeys.

I've worked on change initiatives across both public and private sector, internally and as an external consultant, and across the UK and globally.

As a trainer, and instructor in change management and leadership, I discovered that there were major gaps in how we are teaching change management skills to managers and leaders of change...which is why I created Glass Ripple Consulting.

A company created to fill these gaps, and 'change' the way we teach people about change.

If you would like to have a chat about our change training courses then please do fill out our contact form below and we will be in touch!


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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