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"The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live."

- Mortimer Adler

The Wild Clarity Podcast

Welcome to The Wild Clarity Podcast!

July 06, 20232 min read

I am so happy to have you on this journey with me as I interview some incredible guests and get to learn from the pathways they have taken so far through life.

The Wild Clarity Podcast was born from a desire to share, connect, and be inspired by others’ life journeys – to see things from different perspectives and expand our thinking to new ways of living our lives, to know that we have a choice, and to find ways of living that feel authentic to each of us.

The guests I have interviewed have all had ‘Wild Clarity’ moments – something that has nudged them in a different direction, and they’ve courageously taken that leap to explore that new pathway.

We will hear about their journey, reactions from others, blockers they faced and ultimately, the effect the change has had on their lives…they will also share their proudest moment from this journey so far and top tips for anyone inspired to go out and find their own wild clarity moment.

In between these interviews, I will be taking the themes discussed and creating some short Wild Clarity wisdom podcasts where you can learn further about specific themes that have been brought up during the interviews and actionable steps on how to implement them into your life. On my website blog page, I will also be uploading notes from the episode and linking any resources we talk about during the show so be sure to visit!

I am a true believer that we live our best lives when we collaborate, learn from different perspectives, and give ourselves the space, and permission, to be our own true self…I hope you enjoy the episodes and I hope you come away feeling inspired and ready to take on the world…

Thank you all so much for joining me – I also want to give a special shout out to my mum…because if there’s one person listening, I know it’s her!

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